MMM x Cream
I got this Martin Margiela Cream publication last December along with the other Margiela book I posted in one of the first foxyman posts. My boyfriend thought I was crazy to pay $70 (aud) for a sealed publication, and when I decided to open it at lunch later that day I almost had a freakin' heart attack discovering that the first 200 pages or so were completely blank. As a natural reaction, I then skipped to the last pages and found that they too, were blank. Now I don't know if this was a 'trick' to make the reader think they've bought a blank publication or a practical function to make this fucker extremely difficult to scan or photograph and reproduce - either way, both were achieved.
I don't know what it is about MMM but seriously, it is the only design house that could put their name and work to a sealed collaborative publication and I will buy it without a second thought. Put it this way: if someone offered me one band to listen to for the rest of my life, I'd probably tell them to fuck off (unless of course, teleporting me back to the 70s to be at every live Zeppelin gig [and an affair with Jimmy and Plant- can't choose] was part of the offer) but offer me one designer to wear for the rest of my life, and the answer is quite clear:

the boots above are made completely out of old shoes

That is silly. I don't know if I would be more amused or annoyed. I guess that's Margiela! Thanks for the look!
oh geez that woven jacket!!!!!!! right now, i'm dying for the margiela crystal pumps. have you seen them!?
also, please please please post your project! i'm sure it's wonderful!
so even if it was a 300 page book and 200 of those pages were blank, and it had jems like youposted, id still buy it,
ah man i feel the same about margiela. blows my mind.
WOAH what an interesting way to have the images... in amongst all those blank ones.
I always rationalise crazy prices for books... because, well, its a BOOK! you'll keep it for ages! it doesn't wear out!
ah margiela. God. Genius. Weird how he was inspired by Kawakubo and people usually tag Kawakubo as the ultimate but for me NO one cuts clothes quite the way Margiela and his team do. No one.
Thanks for sharing this and the glove detail is so nice.
I fuggin love your blog. So glad I stumbled upon it!
Love the treatment of looking through the book whilst wearing gloves. Glad you dig him so much cause I'd be right fucking pissed to find that many blank pages, ha.
I the white gloves, babe! This is a real treasure of a have to be careful with it...
Margiella never ceases to impress me.
Oh yeah, and even the best boyfriends probbably wouldn't understand...
Oh yes, and happy Orothodox Easter my dear.
I noticed your cross...and I'm not religious, but I'm definitely sentimental...
"old country"
i'm with you one this one. i've been yearning for some margiela shoes and EVERY time i find them in a store anywhere in the world - they're completely sold out of sizes. grrr.
I would have had a heart attack if I had spent that much money and then saw that all the pages were white. Luck for you that its not all white. Wow, I'm not such a Marigela fan (shocking I know) but this book looks divine. I must say I love the tabi Marigela boots though and seriously want a pair.
oh margiela, it's so him!! that's why we all like him no??
he has been my fav for a long time
très margiela! the images are gorgeous though, i'm jealous! i'd love to flip through a copy
MMM. Seriously.
Money SO well spent!
Oh lord I want that book!
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