D.I.Y - thanks LUXIRARE for the scan and KATJA KORSAWE because it is her idea / design / concept
On a separate note from the rest of the post, and referring to image below...
I wonder just how many people really give a fuck about what actual 'thoughts' have gone into fashion collections vs. what they actually look like.

Scan below is from LUXIRARE'S blog (in my blog roll, one of the best fashion blogs out there in my opinion). It's from the book '1000 rings'. The glove finger rings immediately stood out... probably because there was black leather and silver hardware involved...

...I had left my fingerless gloves at a restaurant not long ago so I was in the process of customizing some new ones. This seemed like the perfect idea to make sure the rest of the gloves didn't go to waste (not that i really cared, i'm not that into sustainability even though sustainability gets kind of drilled in to you at uni, I don't believe in it to the point that you're making things for the sake of making them - that just creates more waste right?!) anywayyyy this is my d.i.y of KATJA KORSAWE's amazing design, only because there's no way I can get my hands on the original.

images by me
Jesus Christ Almighty they are some fine ass glove/rings!
In regards to the comment regarding the chloe/versace boots....I'm confused too, in my first draft I wrote Chloe boots and then I double checked Russh...who knows who to trust anymore
that´s very cool!
wow! great job!
omg beautiful where did you find these IMAGES???? you always have the sources yet, they are always google, yet i would not be able to find them EVER...this is so DIYABLE and I hope you do it because your DIY's always look scary similar. there, youve got some homework now besides your senior project...
arghhh so great!
Those are quite fucking boss. I like the idea of being able to wear them individually.
that is amazing.
total lusty admiration.
I must be so retarded SO RETARDED because I kept thinking you just found more images of the same glove!
That means your DIY was so good that I couldn't even tell the difference WTF! and SEROIUSLY so SERiously I LOVE LOVE LOVE that you don't post the PROCESS OF MAKING IT!!! Your pictures are amazing!
yes! luxirare is the BEST! I loved that ring post. These are cool "gloves"..especially if you want to look beyond stylish whil;e you rob someone!! :)
umm hello? is that hardcore? hell yeah. it looks so much like the original!!!
You've done a really good job, they look really professional.
And it is so true, I doubt many people actually care about the story behind the designs
Well done. I'm curious as to what you used for the "ring" section and how you bonded that to the leather :-D
congrats, they look amazing!
im useless with diy, im sure id never have the patience for this :p
im with luxirare on this one. i had to read the post twice to realize it was a diy. so good.
So amazing, such a simple idea, I might have to copy this DIY!!!
oh foxy, this is siiick! great job on the diy. they're like super leather finger condoms. i SO want one now <3 what did you use for the "ring" part, and how were you able to sew the metal to the leather? simply fascinating.
oh, and to answer the question in your post. i actually care about the thought process that goes into the collections of SOME designers (like McQueen and the CDG group). mainly though, I'm interested in thought vs exectuion. i think this stems from my interest in how creative directors and designers balance concept and commercial success. do they let commerical success get in the way of conceptual design or do they say fuck it, i just want to make beautiful clothes and make $.
i also just wish that some designers would spare me and cut the bullshit about their "inspirations" and such. it's like for fucks sake! you pulled your concept from fucking PECLERS or some other trend forecasting publication. just admit. it.
okay. end rant here
holy fuck.
I bow down to you.
blown away. shot out of the goddamn park. bravo. i want. fantastic photos as well. I'm doing a post on these asap
super cool!
Your creativity is inspiring...and yeah luxirare blows my mind...
Where did you get the silver rings and how did you attach them?
fucken rad
I can't stop starring.
These are amazing, I love them!! And the photos are really cool too :D
oooh my goood!
these are fierce!
-best spring 08 flats
-karl lagerfeld quotes
these are RAD!! now, no fingerprints can be detected! =P
That is truly inspired....
FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!! This is amazing!!! WELL DONE!!!
i'm speechless right now.
i feel pure love. so amazing...
good choice :)
much love ;)
hahaa those r insane!
great blog!
oh myyy...this is absolutly inspiring! i have to try this too... love your blog, your ideas!!!
these are so awesome! I want now!!!
Wow! PLease follow-up with the instructions!
You never cease to amaze me!
x x x
so incredible. i posted about you on my blog too.
reallyGREAT blog/thanksFOR inspiration!
fromRUSSIAwith love
Can you make more and sell them???!!!
Yeah, i don't think I mention how AMAZING these are.
I recently came across your blog and have been reading along. I thought I would leave my
first comment. I don't know what to say except that I have enjoyed reading. Nice blog. I
will keep visiting this blog very often.
dangnabbit. they're brilliant! i like how you made them in the process of diying your other gloves. treasure outta trashola.
utterly amazing, I wish I was hand with sewing/making. But alas I'm stuck behind a lens wanting everything.
if those are your hands,
then you've got the most beautiful hands i've ever seen.
I. am. drawn. WOW. I filed this image on my blog, hope you don't mind. Had to. Sourced your blog.
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