
dirty and classic


I just got so lucky with google images! The bottom three photos are from a L'uomo Vogue editorial, shot by Max Vadukul, that I eventually found after typing in "a Clockwork Orange". Kind of bummed that I missed this shoot... but L'uomo is a bit hit and miss for me, so I don't always pick it up. Pic above is a screenshot from the film.





Anonymous said...

what an epic shoot.
but slightly worried now, this is my everyday look...

Anonymous said...

yeah you should def make a playlist!
has to be a brilliant one, judging from what i've seen so far here ;)

ps. in the ecstasy of seeing my link on one of the best blogs ever, i also saw another link... yours!

Philippa Snow said...

Courier new is apparently the most rock and roll font going. It's official.

Unknown said...

I actually JUST saw this move after I watched (the modern version) Funny Games which is a totall RIP-OFF the original. I mean those penis-clad belts--totally original (thank god they reserved THOSE for the classic)

your pictures are totally inspirational :) trade links??

Anna G said...

I'm in love with this. I love a Clockwork Orange. So naughty.

natalya said...

that is too glorious for words.