
rmit graduate exhibition

If you're in Melbourne and looking for something to do on Thursday evening, come along. If you can't make it, the gallery will also be open on Friday from 12 till 8.

Went in the other day to check out the room Cami chose for us... It's an old hotel that has been turned into an amazing gallery space. She took me to around to see all of the other rooms first - very nice; white walls and heaps of light - then finally down this corridor to our room. See photos below...

....AMAZING!!!! Besides the fact that it kind of resembles a jail cell and is twice as big as the other rooms, it also has this really heavy death aura that I don't really know how to articulate... kind of made me nauseous too (but everything seems to make me nauseous). Anyway, this is probably starting to seem a bit sarcastic, but I'm dead serious! Best room! Start setting up tomorrow morning, will post 'after' images too





Cristi Silva said...

Look at those windows!! I could only emagine what you could do with this space!


harbourmaster said...

Will be there! Are you guys showing your new garments? Exciting!!

Vlad said...

haha trez derelèct!

Fashion Hayley said...

Ahhh that room...last time I was there that was the dj/dance room for some exhibition. You guys will do amazing things with the space I just know it.

cami said...

Yippee room 214......
certainly doesn't look like that anymore..... might give people a seizure actually...
I think those rooms make it look much prettier actually... it's way creepier in real life.

Sarah said...

Had to respond to your comment. did you hear that daul passed away?? Apparently by suicide either today or last night or something. I feel all morbid now, having posted pics of her on my blog. So weird! I loved her updates.

Obscura said...

Wish I could be there.



CAMILLE said...

DAMMM..im in melbourne now..wish i went along to that!

Rachel said...

i would like to live here.