not an outfit post
this was a really quick sewing job - just wanted to see the two fabric textures next to each other.
It is also highly unwearable (for me) since I've already mentioned to a few special people (hi big koshka, haha) how much it's bothering me that I look like some fucking sub culture (especially my day outfits). I'm kind of getting sick of 15 year old emo and death metal kids at Flinders street station giving me the 'hey, look, we're dressed the same' look. I should probably start to go easy on the black a little bit

I totally know what you mean by wearing what resembles a subculture uniform. I chuckled at that remark. Before I leave the house I generally try to un-80s-hooker my ensemble. Great dress - what kind of work do you do? its obviously in fashion..
1st picture is mesmerizing! What fabrics did you use? It looks like chiffon and crepe de chine?
Haha, in a way, I wish I could identify with the 15 year old emo thing. We barely have any subculture kids where I live. I just get called hooker and looked at weird. I don't even dress as extreme as I would like. Come to think of it, I think I commented similarly on Luxirare's page yesterday.
that's really fucking gorgeous.
you have a great eye for textures and silhouettes.
Oh I actually love minimal even though I'm always intriqued by everything flavored with mesh and studs. This post is very elegant! I love the flowy fabric and your picture styles as usual. A breath of fresh air is what your outfit looks like.
looks amazing paired with the doc's!!!!
ahah you're always allowed to curse.
i have a nasty nasty habit of cursing myself ;)
These sewing posts get better and better. I absolutely love this dress, actually, although I'd also kind of like to see it in a pale colour, so it'd be like something Carrie White would wear, or a sacrificial virgin in an old B-movie.
But maybe that's just me.
Oh, and I still resent you for being able to sew so well.
oo so nice!
i know what you mean, even with my creepers emogoth kids come up and try to talk to me, IM NOT ONE OF YOU
haha lol, don't worry your wayy cooler than those flinders street emos
OMG! That looks amazing! The perfect black dress...
I really like this, the detail at the neckline is great.
Ahh I hate it when that happens! You don't do it consciously but then you accidentally fall into it. Having said that I don't think you look even remotely emo or anything, black is just so useful.
bitch-in blog darling totally love it ...
I do love this, tho...
Black flowing dresses + Docs = Uberwin
1k caviar and bread sounds like a FUCKING party. That story about your father is insane...but.. No wonder why you always look hot. You're Russian. Shoulda figured. Really, you've got a beautiful figure. You're boyfriends' a lucky man.
Sometimes I'll buy truffles... but when it comes to 1k beluga jars I'd rather buy Margiela you know what i mean?
Can't wait for your upcoming posts and future outfits..
your boyfriend* I mean...God I'm such a loser...
wow this outfit looks amazing kind of like a margiela dress I've bought!!! it's kind of a bat thingi!!! love it! I understand what you mean, we are often put in categories like goths emo etc.. it only reflects the closed mind of people! used to that shit!!
btw I am regular reader of your blog, you're definetly one of my favourite! you like weird stuff like I like.. I really like your universe!
check out my blog, it's in french but more visual than writting!!
la chauve-souris. (the bat)
this is divine outfit!
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