
the funeral of new orleans - Aitor Throup

A mate of mine showed me this video at uni ages ago and thanks to my new book: 100 New Fashion Designers, i have finally been able to track it down in the SHOWstudio archives. I think this is so incredible and if you're interested in fashion design as a discipline (or any form of design for that matter) please look at this:


source: google images


Anonymous said...

ok this fucker ed above needs to stop leaving comments on everyone's blog. these above are all links to porn!!!

This is so awesome what you've posted, will have to look into it!
and yes WE BOTH need those shoes...i WILL find a way......

PUG and PIPS said...

it's called cuteoverload.com
seriously the best website ever. It gives me my daily dose of happy juice!

Anouk said...

yes, it's very impressive.

Wends said...

i have that book! best reference ever and aitor throup, he has the best sketches!
